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New Construction on 125th Street

On top of the changing retail in Harlem, the housing is changing as well. Old building are being knocked down or renovated to appeal to people wanting to move into Harlem. The construction is wide spread and can be seen even on 125th Street which doesn’t have much housing.

Even though Harlem has gone through drastic changes recently much of the culture it is known for can still be seen. When I was walking on 125th Street I saw street vendors, people with ice-e carts, people playing drums, and people talking and embracing one another when they walk past. They is still a large sense of community, must larger than in other parts of Manhattan. Even though Harlem is changing and gentrifying as long as some of the residents aren’t pushed out it will be able to maintain some of its culture that so many people love.

Apollo Theater

A very important part of Harlem’s culture is the Apollo Theater. Many famous musicians have traveled to Harlem to play the Apollo. It first became popular during the Harlem Renaissance with jazz and has continued being a popular venue for artist to perform at. Even though the Apollo has survived it has chains surrounding it with Game Stop and Banana Republic being on either side of the theater. This shows how Harlem might be able to maintain certain aspects of its history and culture but the surrounding area will change.

Old Stores Surviving on 125th Street

Even though the old retail of Harlem is being pushed out some of the old retail has been able to survive through this adversity. On top of the conventional retail that has last the street vendors, that sell various items from phone cases to clothing, continue to occupy the sidewalks. Their numbers have been dwindling but the still have a large presence. These shops, stores and restaurants are a sign of hope that Harlem won’t loose everything that contributed to its cultural identity.

New Chains on 125th Street

Harlem is currently going through major changes. Many residents, restaurants, stores, and retail that have been in Harlem for generations are currently being forced out by gentrification. Where family run businesses used to be are now occupied by large chains like Whole Foods, H & M, and Foot Locker. This change in retail is a vicious cycle, that once it starts it near impossible to stop. An area of Harlem that has really felt this change is retail is 125th Street. In the pictures above you can see just a few of the many chains that have moved into the area.